Chilly Temperatures Are Perfect For Dog Sweaters

The temperatures have dropped and snowstorms are getting ready to start, which can only mean one thing: it's time to break out the dog sweaters.

The temperatures have dropped and snowstorms are getting ready to start, which can only mean one thing: it’s time to break out the dog sweaters.  Take a look at this photo gallery to see these pups sporting their finest sweaters.

Winter might not be such a bad thing for these canine friends.  They’re ready!

I’m Precious

How could you not smile at this face?

Is this sweater necessary?

I look pretty in this sweater if I do say so myself.


My mom put me in this silly tight sweater she made just for me.

How warm your dog is able to physically keep himself may depend on his breed, size and even age, but if he just doesn’t have a heavy hair coat, there is only so much curling up he can do to conserve heat. Smaller, light bodied breeds, toy breeds, and breeds that naturally have very short or thin hair coats benefit from a warm dog sweater for when they need to go outside, or for just hanging around the house. A sweater can make a significant difference in your dog’s feeling of well-being.