Dogs Who Stare Out Their Window Like A Nosy Neighbor



Dogs and cats love to look out the window. Not only do they love it, it’s actually good for them. Being able to see out the window at all the goings-on outside provide what the animal psychologists call “environmental enrichment.” For indoor and indoor/outdoor cats and for dogs that stay at home alone all day every day, looking out the window can help prevent stress, boredom, depression, and frustration.

Depression is not just for humans anymore.  Dogs and cats also suffer from depression. For all pets, one simple thing you can do to help relieve or prevent depression, anxiety and other stressors is to keep them active and engaged. But how do you do that when you’re away at work all day? By giving them access to an interesting window so they can see out.
If you do an internet search, you will see all kinds of images of dogs and cats looking out windows. Many of the dogs are lounging on human furniture to get the best view, or they are too short to see out the window and have their paws propped up on the window sill just to be able to see what’s going on outside.


Cats also love to look outside and will perch themselves on the window sill for hours at a time, watching birds, squirrels, bugs, or anything else that moves and looks interesting to them. If they are lucky, they have a cat tree near a window with a great view.

Imagine your dog or cat spending all day every day home alone. That’s 10 to 12 hours by themselves with nothing to do, no stimulation, no one to play with or talk to — a perfect storm for stress, boredom, frustration, and depression.

The solution? Give your dog or cat access to an interesting window so they can see the world outside.

If your dog loves to stare out the window, share you pictures with us.