Adorable Dogs Excited To Celebrate New Year’s Eve

New Year's
Getting ready for your New Year's Eve celebrations? Take a look at these pups who are ready to party!

It’s true the holidays are easily the greatest time of year, but it can also be the most exhausting. After so much preparation, it sort of feels like we want to nap for weeks. It also doesn’t help that we ate our weight in ham and stuffing and chocolate, so we’re currently nursing a major food hangover. But it’s time to rally, people! We can’t forget one of the greatest parties is coming up in just a few short days– New Year’s Eve.

December 31 is all about celebrating the past year and looking forward to new beginnings by eating and drinking even more and letting loose with friends and family. The best part is that you don’t need much to appear all that festive for New Year’s, either. Grab a pair of ridiculous glasses, a sparkly paper hat and you’re set!  Just take a cue from these adorable party pups — these adorable dogs are so ready to celebrate New Year’s Eve.

1. “I do not appreciate this cone human” & “Look how handsome I am in my hat!”

2. “What do you mean it’s the end of the year already?!”

3. “My headband is crooked human. How am I supposed to celebrate like this?”

4.  “So…who brought the corkscrew? Anyone?”

5. “New Year means new treats!”

6. “I’m ready”

7. “Are you sure I won’t be overdressed at the party?”

8.  “The humans always seem so happy after having some.”