This Puppy Pile Video Brings Daily Dose of Cuteness

We love puppies here at Dogfancast and even better a puppy pile! With all the soft fur and puppy breath, their never-ending cuteness is irresistible.

We love puppies here at Dogfancast and even better a puppy pile!  Who doesn’t love a pile of puppies? With all the soft fur and puppy breath, the never-ending cuteness is irresistible.

Watch this short video to see this litter of pups cuddle up together and form a little puppy pile.  Puppies sleep in a puppy pile because there is a sense of security in sleeping on top of each other. This is how it is in the womb; warm, quiet and peaceful… HOME!

Have you ever seen such a cute bunch of doggies? We haven’t. If this doesn’t make you smile, NOTHING will!

A puppy video a day keeps the doctor away! Would you join this puppy pile?